CONSTRUYE 2020_PLUS: A new boost for green jobs, growth and sustainability.

Entidad financiadora
2018 - 2021
Investigador(es) principal (es)
José Antonio Tenorio Ríos
797.111,00 € - For IETcc-CSIC 118.062,50 €
Official web

Project Funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme


Moving towards a greener economy creates the need of new skills and competencies profiles, requiring the development of strong alliances for the adjustment of current training and qualification frameworks. On the basis of a Quadruple Helix approach, this project aims to define and develop a training and accreditation scheme on green skills. This scheme will address, in an articulated way, professional, market and customer barriers that stand in the way for the consolidation of Energy Efficiency (EE), Renewable Energy Systems (RES) and nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB).


The set of actions to undertake within Construye2020 are intended for increasing knowledge and skills of construction industry tackling the existing gap between project design and its execution and thus, to raise the overall quality of building construction and/or renovation, in particular in terms of energy efficiency performance.

Main features:

  • Multidisciplinary approach for an integrated training system
  • National training on Green skills
  • SMEs engagement for a greener construction industry
  • Recognition and quality harmonisation
  • Dissemination, sustainability, and transference


  • Creation and implementation of sustainable qualification and training schemes for building professionals and/or blue collar workers.
  • Increase in the number of skilled workers (building professionals and/or blue collar workers).
  • Improved collaboration and understanding across different trades and professional groups.
  • Demonstrated gap reduction between designed and actual energy performance, through improved quality in specific projects.
  • Measurable energy savings and/or renewable energy production resulting from improved skills.
  • Improved market recognition of skills in the building sector (industry standards).
  • Plans for sustainability after the project’s life and replication across the EU.


This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 785019