Materiales de Construcción. Vol 69, No 335

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  • Editorial
    Francisca Puertas

Artículos disponibles en este número:

  • Alkali-activated binary concrete based on a natural pozzolan: physical, mechanical and microstructural characterization
    R. Robayo-Salazar, R. Mejía de Gutiérrez, F. Puertas
  • Influence of soda-lime waste glass microparticles on workability and thermal properties of portland cement compounds
    C. B. C. S. Alvarenga, O. M. Heiderick, T. A. Couto, P. R. Cetlin, R. B. C. Sales, M. T. P. Aguilar
  • Effects of Design and Construction on the Carbon Footprint of Reinforced Concrete Columns in Residential Buildings
    E. Fraile-Garcia, J. Ferreiro-Cabello, F. J. Martínez de Pison, A. V. Pernia-Espinoza
  • Alkali activated materials based on glass waste and slag for thermal and acoustic insulation
    S. Stoleriu, I. N. Vlasceanu, C. Dima, A. I. Badanoiu, G. Voicu
  • Compression performance and bearing capacity calculation model of small-eccentricity columns strengthened with textile-reinforced mortar (TRM)
    S. P. Yin, X. Q. Hu, Y. T. Hua
  • Analysis of the stress state at the double-step joint in heavy timber structures
    J. R. Villar-García, P. Vidal-López, J. Crespo, M. Guaita
  • Development of flame retarded composite fibreboard for building applications using oil palm residue
    T. O. Suoware, S. O. Edelugo, B. N. Ugwu, E. Amula, I. E. Digitemie
  • Damage behaviours of concrete and prediction models under the joint effect of freeze–thaw attack and ultraviolet radiation
    R. J. Wang, R. Qin, Y. Li, J. X. Li, C. Zhang


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