Castellote Armero, Marta María

Castellote Armero, Marta María

Research scientist
910686433 o ext. 438315

Marta Castellote is Research Scientist at CSIC ( She is the Head of the research group “Sustainable Interaction of Construction Materials with the Environment (ISCMA)” at IETcc.  She got the degree in Chemistry in 1989 and PhD in 1997 (excellence PhD award). She did her postdoctoral stay at the ESRF, in France, getting the position of Scientist at CSIC in 2002 and Senior Scientist in 2008. She was the Director of the IETcc from 2014 to 2018 and since then she have been member of the advisory team to the Direction. She have published more than 150 papers, 102 in JCR journals; She is co-inventor of 6 national patents; she has been the IP for 15 research projects; more than 25 research contracts and have presented more than 150 contributions to international congresses. She was the coordinator of the European “LIFE-PHOTOSCALING” project. She is currently the PI of the CSIC part of the EJPR (EURAD) project, co-IP of one National Plan and the PI in the IETcc of a CDTI “Mision” project.