Equality Committe

On 13 February 2019, the Equality Committe of the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences was established.

The Committe is made up of those who have voluntarily applied to be part of it, and currently has a total of nine people (six women and three men), thus representing both the Management and the scientific, technical and management staff of the Institute.

Its members are:

  • Marta Alirangues Nuñez
  • Jose María Alonso Polvorosa
  • Carmen Alonso Ruiz de Rivas
  • Cristina Carrillo Torregrosa
  • Borja Frutos Vázquez
  • Patricia Rivilla Yubero
  • Maximina Romero Perez
  • Marta Sorribes Gil
  • Rafael Villar Burke


The Committe outlines its tasks through the implementation of all types of policies whose objectives are, among others, to ensure equal opportunities for all IETcc staff regardless of gender, race, ideology or sexual orientation, the dissemination of activities that make visible the role of women in our professional field as well as contributing to increasing the scientific vocations of girls, especially in STEM subjects.

We invite you to contact the Equality Committe of the Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja through the following e-mail address: comiteigualdad@ietcc.csic.es